Glitch Around the World


Started in 2010 in Chicago, IL, GLI.T/CH is a group of glitch artists who have curated exhibits in Chicago, Amsterdam, and Birmingham. Well-known glitch artists Rosa Menkman, Nick Briz, and Kim Asendorf are involved with this group.
The Ukranian Institute for Modern Art held an exhibition for Chicago Glitch Art in 2014. The exhibit was two months long and featured installations by Melissa Barron, jonCates, A. Bill Miller, Jon Satrom, Lisa Slodki, and Paul Hertz and free-standing installations by Alfredo Salazar-Caro, Curt Cloninger, James Connolly and Kyle Evans, and Channel TWo.
Glitch Moment/ums was a 2013 art exhibit in London, curated by Rosa Menkman & Furtherfield, that also featured a Glitch Performance by Antonio Roberts.
This film festival celebrates queer/trans/intersex people as glitches in traditional society. The films in this festival do not have to be glitched, but the queer glitch is essentially the theme of the festival. This 10 day festival takes place in March & April in Europe.
Moran Bondaroff is a contemporary Los Angeles- based art gallery founded in 2008.  The gallery features all kinds of art, including glitch art, which is demonstrated through their 2012 exhibition of Kon Trubkovich’s Leap Second.